Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Blog is a Blog is a Blog

Greetings fellow carbon based life forms(assuming someone is reading this post)! Since Allie has already taken the time to so wonderfully introduce this blog, I figured it was about time that I contributed.

I guess I will use this opportunity to introduce myself to the world of blogging.

My name is Suzanne (although various forms of the name including Suzy Q and Suze are acceptable), and I am a fine arts snob. Yes, it is a critical condition, and yes, it is very real. 
Why do I bring this up? Simple. It is necessary to truly understand who I am and how it will affect my writing. This is, not to say that I believe that I am particularly learned in the world of arts, however I do take pride in my ability to incorporate the little knowledge I have been able to accumulate over my 17 and a half years of life and use them in debate. Expect harsh criticisms. No one is sparred. My first target? The upcoming film adaptation of Les Miserables, and like the bulk of musical theatre fanatics, my expectations are high. I will be fully armed with a box of tissues and waterproof mascara.

The Origins of Pudding is Pudding: It all began on a chilly spring evening on Facebook chat, as these things often do. Being the teenage girl that I am, I  suddenly craved the creamy chilled substance that is chocolate pudding, and somehow, someway, the phrase, "pudding is pudding" came into the conversation. At first, it was just something to laugh over, and after a few typed, "ha ha ha"s, that was that. Later that year upon the brink of fall, the idea of a blog came into conversation. But what would we call it? Immediately the seemingly insignificant phrase was suggested. It was perfect. It was blunt, it was absurd, it was abstract, and yet when over analyzed by a couple of crazies like us, it was utterly profound. Pudding is pudding. Its not lemon meringue pie, it's not a quiche, its it's own  delectable treat that doesn't try to be anything but that. Its only want is to bring joy to those who consume it. If you like it, great, if you don't, life goes on. I think we should all strive to be like pudding. Exactly what it wants to be and nothing else. Pudding is pudding. Suzanne is Suzanne. Allie is Allie. And it is just as simple as that.

In short, I entreat you to expect the unexpected. In the world of Allie and Suzanne, (almost) anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. The more I read this post, the more I love it. And every time I read it it seems to change a little. First it gained HTML. Now it's a highly pleasant shade of purple.

    I saw the new Les Miz, and not being a fine arts snob (or at least, not as much as you), I naturally assumed that it would not make me cry and that no waterproofing was necessary. Ah, how wrong I was.
